What to Expect During a Webster Technique Chiropractic Adjustment

What to Expect During a Webster Technique Chiropractic Adjustment

What to Expect During a Webster Technique Chiropractic Adjustment

What to Expect During a Webster Technique Chiropractic Adjustment

Are you an expectant mother? Have you been experiencing discomfort in your lower back? If so, the Webster Technique may be the answer to your discomfort. This technique is a specific chiropractic adjustment that can help relieve pain and discomfort during pregnancy.


What Is the Webster Technique?

The Webster Technique is a specific chiropractic adjustment designed for pregnant women. Dr. Larry Webster developed this technique. His research in the 1980s showed that chiropractic care could improve the alignment of the pelvis. The technique was shown to reduce stress on the uterus and surrounding ligaments. By reducing this stress, the technique improves the health of both mother and baby.


What Happens During a Webster Technique Adjustment?

During the adjustment, your chiropractor will use gentle pressure to adjust the bones in the pelvis. The adjustment is designed to help improve the alignment of the pelvis. It also reduces the stress on the uterus and surrounding ligaments.

It is performed using a special chiropractic table designed to accommodate pregnant women. The table has a drop-away section that allows the chiropractor to apply gentle pressure to the pelvis. This is done without putting any extra pressure on the abdomen.


Is the Webster Technique Safe During Pregnancy?

The Webster Technique is safe for pregnant women. Chiropractors trained in the Webster Technique are specially trained to work with pregnant women. They understand the unique needs of pregnant patients. This technique is a gentle, noninvasive, and safe treatment option for both mother and baby.


What Are the Benefits of the Webster Technique?

Its benefits include:
  • Improved Fetal Positioning: By improving the alignment of the pelvis, it improves fetal positioning. This can lead to a smoother delivery

  • Shorter Labor Times: Women who receive chiropractic care during pregnancy may experience shorter labor times and fewer complications during delivery

  • Reduced Pain and Discomfort: It helps relieve pain and discomfort in the lower back and pelvic area

  • Improved Overall Health: Chiropractic care helps improve the health of both mother and baby


This occurs by:

  • Reducing stress

  • Improving immune function

  • Promoting a healthy nervous system

How Often Should You Receive a Webster Technique Adjustment?

The frequency of these adjustments will depend on the patient's individual needs. Some patients benefit from weekly adjustments. Others may only need a monthly treatment. Consult your doctor about this concern.



The Webster Technique is generally safe for pregnant women. Still, it is wise to get a second opinion from your healthcare provider first. The chiropractic treatment may not be suitable if you have a high-risk pregnancy or have experienced complications in previous pregnancies.

The Webster Technique provides many benefits for pregnant women, but you must continue receiving regular prenatal care from your healthcare provider. If you opt for prenatal chiropractic care, choose a chiropractor who is experienced in the Webster Technique.

Besides the Webster Technique, many other chiropractic techniques can benefit pregnant women. Your doctor may use the Webster Technique in combination with others to help you achieve optimal health during pregnancy.

For more on the Webster Technique chiropractic adjustment, visit Costa Lifestyle Medicine at our office in San Clemente, California. Call (949) 787-1800 to book an appointment today.

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